As to the matter of Time
We humans take Time for granted(I’m sure you are all aware of that =P). But yet, people say Time waits for no one. Has anyone truly seen and taken Time from the right perspective? I have tried. Truthfully, time sympathises us man. But obeying the laws of nature, it cannot reduce its pace.
Time. What is meant by that word? Or, should it even be reduced to just that- a word? Truly, “Time is the only thing which prevents everything from happening all at once”. The meaning of that quote is that, without Time, we find ourselves in difficulty to organise our lives. Watches, clocks, hourglasses; these are but measurers or representatives of Time which are often mistaken to be Time itself. Time has neither form nor shape. But whichever way we look at Time, all that we know is that it was bestowed upon us all to make our lives easier.
Most of us nowadays spend, waste, even throw away Time as if it were money. Even like money, we cannot buy it. But the ironic thing about Time is that once you spend or waste it, you never get it back. There’s a quote by someone who said, “By labour we can find food and water, but all of our labour will not find for us another hour”.
What is the value of Time? A man once said, “Pick my left pocket of its silver dime, but spare the right for it holds my golden Time!” That is how much he values his time. All the money he has, he would give just so that his time is not taken from him. To all of us, “Time is a companion that goes with us on a journey. It reminds us to cherish each moment, because it will never come again. What we leave behind is not as important as how we have lived.” People complain that they don’t have enough time. It’s true that “to just live is so startling it leaves little time for anything else.” Therefore the secret behind Time is to live.
We were never meant to delve in the knowledge of Time(but yet scientists have tried and are still trying to manipulate Time) . But Time exists so that we live and fulfil our lives, each and every second to the utmost extent. I’m sure all of you who have watched Kungfu Panda would know of this saying: “Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. And today is a gift. That is why it is called the present.” At the end of it all, “Time goes, you say? Ah no! Alas, Time stays, we go.”
Name: Abdullah Imran
Age: 16
Birthday: 2nd of April
Character: Like to play around a lot. Is a trouble-maker, but not so frequently. Likes not make new friends. Doesn't like to make enemies, though has a few.
Loves playing WC and WoW. Is Le Capitaine de Vendetta. Studies at MD.
Name: Iqhwan Iskandar
Age: 16
Birthday: 29th of August
Character: A tall guy. Good at jokes(not original tho :P). Master in DotA. A good friend. Always hungry...Always thirsty...Always bored.
Likes slapping people(guys) at the back. Studies at PTE.